Wednesday, December 31, 2008


aah, another year, gone by just like the previous ones of yore, leaving behind in its wake, untold mental destruction (joy for some others), and certain interesting or un-interesting events, that will not be forgotten (depending on the event, it is either un/fortunate

2008 was pretty much the same.
it was a leap year no doubt, 366 days instead of the standard 365, with the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, blue skies, the commonly known concern for global warming, vegetarianism, entertainment, sports, AND WARCRAFT III

brilliant game i must say, beautiful graphics, storyline, gameplay etc etc. how can one not love the "whosyourdaddy" god mode :D

anyways, i have not much to blabber about, at so said timing
nothing really unexpected happened to me this year, except that i got into University, and bought a new Dell XPS m1530, which pwns the previous Acer AND the Lenovo supplied by the University.

and so my last post of the year ends with a famous quote, currently unknown to man:
O Beautiful World Of Computing, Leave Us Not, No Matter The Years That Pass By

i leave now, to make my render my photoshop-ic eye to my friends photograph

May The Force Be With You


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

rampant ramblings

my sincere apologies for the lack of unwanted philosophies displayed herein, but the disastrous occurrence of the end semester examinations, followed by the flight to the Middle of the Desert, proved to be pretty time consuming, leading to an absence of memory retained specifically for the thoughts prevailing to blog-stuff.

now, my present longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates have shifted, albeit temporarily for a month or so, for then i shalt move back to the insipid place from where i managed to obtain a lease on life temporarily.

all hail, blissful vacation, with free high-speed net, with no download/upload limit whatsoever, smooth roads without craters in them, an absence of the prevalent lingering smell provided by bovine mammals, and HUMMUS and KHUBZ!

and virgin megastore.

the bounty of life, this incredible place has been a boon to the face of the earth, in the form of entertainment.

and now i bid thy leave, for i leave to cycle me heart away around the magnificent park situated in the heart of the city.

May the force be with you.
