Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Food Glorious Food

Dominoes, aka, '16th best employer of India', was lunch venue on Oct 28, 2008, a very memorable day in my life, when i ate pizza after FOUR FRIKKIN LONG MONTHS (or possibly more). Furthermore, i must not forget Prat's visit to Manipal, which was the main motive for lunch at Dominoes.

I repeat again, THE FOOD!!!!!!!!
Although restricted to Vegetarian pizzas due to certain life-altering decisions, the food was nevertheless amazing. I have no further words to describe it.

[a few moments later]
After a glimpse through my thesaurus, i have arrived at:
astonishing, astounding, remarkable, wonderful, incredible, startling, marvelous, miraculous, surprising, mind blowing, mind boggling, staggering.

ALL these words, used at once, could not describe the food.
Never in this country of mine, have i tasted food so divine.
A good change from the eons of dosas and various other dishes available at every single curve of the street.

But then, the feeling the next morning, when your lying in bed, sick and weak, from indigestion, that you come to the conclusion: I think i ate too much.

And that's when you realize that falling sick is a good excuse for bunking college.

May The Force Be With You.

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